Cagiva Club forum

INTERNATIONAL => ENGLISH => Téma založeno: ladaraider2005 Sobota, 31/03/2007, 22:18

Název: cagiva canyon 600cc( how much consume gasoline)
Přispěvatel: ladaraider2005 Sobota, 31/03/2007, 22:18
 how much consume  gasoline that cc 600 bike abouth 100 km/??L
ask ice driver from north finland.... ;)
Název: Re: cagiva canyon 600cc( how much consume gasoline)
Přispěvatel: roebuck Pondělí, 02/04/2007, 07:41
It´s different. My one consume about 4,7 L/100 km when I go slowly (100 km/h) and out of towns. I am leaving at flat land, without montains. But a lot of people with this type of bike have normally between 5,5 to 6,5.